Tuesday 11 June 2019

Tips To Treat the Dry Mouth

Insufficient saliva in the mouth is the main reason you get mouth dryness. Dry mouth mainly results in symptoms like dry and sticky mouth, and trouble swallowing. You might not be able to even talk properly if you have a dry mouth. Getting the root cause treated is the best way to treat the resultant dryness. You may be able to have benefit from home remedies or over-the-counter drugs but if they are not able to provide you the relief, you need to visit your dentist.

Treating dry mouth at home
There are actually a lot of things that you can do at home to treat your dry mouth. However, it would be beneficial to know about the exact reasons for dry mouth. There can be a lot of medical reasons for the mouth dryness. Diabetes, hormonal imbalance and autoimmune disorders are among the top medical reasons for the mouth dryness. Certain treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can also affect the flow of saliva in the mouth.

The greatest benefit of treating mouth dryness is that it can help you prevent certain oral and dental health disorders including cavities, gum disease, mouth sores and oral thrush. Few things that you can do at home to treat mouth dryness may include:
  • Chewing sugar free gum or sucking sugar free candy
  • Having frequent water intake throughout the day
  • Using over-the-counter artificial saliva
  • Running humidifier in the bedroom at night

The main purpose of the above mentioned methods is to stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. Moreover, you will have to make sure that you are not breathing from your mouth. That flow of air can also cause mouth dryness.

Other things that you can do to prevent mouth dryness mainly include:
  • Quitting use of tobacco
  • Reducing the consumption of caffeine
  • Using alcohol-free mouthwash

If simple methods for stimulation of saliva production are not working for you, you can consider getting over-the-counter medicines for saliva production. Majority of those medications are safe but you have to make sure that you consult with your dentist before picking any particular medication.

Getting the problem treated professionally
If home remedies and over-the-counter medications are not providing you the relief, you need to consult with your dentist because your salivary glands are not responding to the simple stimulation methods. In this scenario, your dentist may suggest you the use of prescription medicines. If you are on the meds which have been inhibiting the production of saliva, your dentist may be able to suggest you the alternative medicines for your medical condition. Or they may be able to get in contact with your health physician to discuss an alternate.

Dry mouth is not only uncomfortable but it can actually cause real harm to your oral and dental health. Therefore, you need to discuss this problem with your dentist on emergency basis.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

How to Take Care of Sensitive Teeth

You might not realize it immediately, and neither might your Santa Clarita dentist, but sometimes our teeth get sensitive. Have you ever felt a sharp sensation whenever you drink something cool or hot, and your teeth tend to hurt? Well, that could be because you have sensitive teeth, and if you have experienced this, you typically have that. Many times, people will suffer from tooth sensitivity and not even know why. However, it’s important to know about what causes tooth sensitive, and what you can do to help rectify it as best as you can.

Now, if you’ve ever had your teeth professionally whitened, or you’ve done it yourself, you probably have felt some sensitivity after that. It is common to experience that, but the sensitivity that you feel after you get your teeth whitened is markedly different from the hypersensitivity that you might feel in your dentin. Typically, this sensitivity is because when you whiten, they use a bleaching mechanism that can help penetrate the tooth.

Now, what really causes tooth sensitivity is typically a common dental issue. This happens over time because of receding gums or the enamel breaking down. The sensitivity as well will start to develop when the dentin is exposed. The dentin is typically under the gums and enamel, and there are many nerves that run through this. When you drink something with the dentin exposed, it stimulates the nerves, and you’ll immediately feel a sharp pain in your teeth. If you have this, you might have enamel wear from grinding your teeth, brushing too much, acid erosion, or gum recession from gum disease or brushing your teeth too much.

Now, if you do have this, the first thing that you should do is go see your dentist. They will help you and do a dental exam to see what is going on. They can from here determine the cause of the sensitivity and give you some treatment options to help get rid of it. Now, if the office is busy and you can’t go in right away, there are a few things that you can do, and a few things you should do anyways.

The first thing that you should do is use a sensitive tooth toothpaste. These contain something called potassium nitrate, and this will block the tubules in the dentin that stimulate this pain. You should also try to change out your toothbrush as well to one with softer bristles. Often, people don’t realize that they’re brushing their teeth super vigorously, or they believe that you have to in order to clean them. Doing this in slow motions will get the job completed and help prevent further enamel and gum erosion.

You should start to avoid foods that are super acidic, since that will break down the enamel further. Foods that do this are soda, wine that is red, pickles, and oranges. Typically, if the food is extremely acidic, avoid it right now, and this will prevent the enamel from being attacked. If you’re already experiencing the sensitivity, just avoid these. If not, and you’re worried there might be cause for alarm, you should try to minimize the exposure of this as well.

Finally, if you think you’re grinding your teeth at night, you should wear a mouth guard. Grinding your teeth tends to break down the enamel, and this is often how tooth sensitivity happens. The mouth guards that you can put in at night will help to prevent this, and it will help to prevent more enamel erosion.

If you’re still having trouble after this, you should go see the dentist to help find the exact cause. There are many different ways to treat sensitivity that can help with this situation. Typically, you can get an agent to help with this. While it does need to be reapplied, this can often help when treating your teeth for the exact cause of the situation, and from there it’ll help you prevent further problems.

Tooth sensitivity isn’t fun, but often knowing why and the best ways to treat it will help make it much easier on you, and make it more tolerable. 

Tips To Treat the Dry Mouth

Insufficient saliva in the mouth is the main reason you get mouth dryness. Dry mouth mainly results in symptoms like dry and sticky mout...